"A trail is a place to enjoy a walk and to find a bench to rest and talk."
(Dorothy Langsdorf, Discovery Trail in Vancouver,WA)

vendredi 7 mars 2008

Premier banc/first bench

J'adore les bancs.
On les trouve souvent dans des endroits magnifiques.
Au détour d'un sentier, en bord de mer...

S'il est déjà occupé, on respecte le désir de solitude de son ou de ses occupants;
On passe son chemin, discrètement, espérant en trouver un autre un peu plus loin.

On s'y arrête pour admirer le paysage, pour lire, pour rêver, pour s'embrasser, pour écrire, pour réfléchir...

C'est un petit havre de sérénité posé sur quatre pieds..

I love benches.
They're always in beautyful places.
Near a path, in front of the sea.
If someone is already sitting there, you go on walking, hoping you'll find a free bench farther.
You stop and sit on a bench to look at the landscape, to read, to dream, to kiss someone, to write, to think...
A bench is a small piece of serenity standing on four legs...

1 commentaire:

Paulie a dit…

Searching out the date when you first started your bench blog compared to mine, I see I never left a comment here. I should have. Now, two years later, I am so glad Dot introduced us. I started I started in April and you started in March unbeknownst to me!

I am going to look at all your old posts again . . .