"A trail is a place to enjoy a walk and to find a bench to rest and talk."
(Dorothy Langsdorf, Discovery Trail in Vancouver,WA)

mercredi 9 juillet 2008

Banc de larmes /Crying bench

A la télévision hier soir.
Qui n'a pas pleuré avec Ryan O'Neal à la fin du film?...
"L'amour, c'est n'avoir jamais à dire qu'on est désolé"...

On television yesterday evening.
Who cried with Ryan O'Neal at the end of the film?...
"Loves means never having to say you're sorry"....

2 commentaires:

Damigi a dit…

lovely.... from Indonesia
My Blog

Paulie a dit…

I can't believe I have never seen this movie. I like the long bench and is that snow?!?