"A trail is a place to enjoy a walk and to find a bench to rest and talk."
(Dorothy Langsdorf, Discovery Trail in Vancouver,WA)

mercredi 25 juin 2008

Centième banc /Hundredth bench

Il y a donc eu cent promenades, cent jolis moments, cent découvertes , cent bancs et autant d'escales où se reposer après une longue marche, où rêver devant un joli paysage, cent endroits où prendre une jolie photo, cent façon de faire découvrir le monde, mon monde ,sous un autre angle...
Pour fêter ça, un de mes endroits préfrérés, le Fort de La Revère et son joli banc en bois, avec au loin, la presqu'île du Cap ferrat, et la Méditerranée, mon fragment bleu adoré...

So, there already were a hundred walks, a hundred pretty moments, a hundred discoveries, a hundred lovely places where to take photos, and a hundred benches to rest after a long walk,
to dream in front of a beautiful landscape, a hundred ways to make discover the world, my world,from another point of view.
To celebrate this birthday, here is one of my favorite places, the Fort of La Revère, with its lovely wood bench, and, in the skyline, the Cap Ferrat and my beloved blue fragment, the Mediterranean Sea....

1 commentaire:

Paulie a dit…

I didn't know what bleu fragment was until today! It definitely is a beautiful scene and a wonderful way to commemorate your 100th post of benches! Congratulations!

I was not posting comments for a couple days and am catching up now so I think I jsut left three comments on the posts below.