"A trail is a place to enjoy a walk and to find a bench to rest and talk."
(Dorothy Langsdorf, Discovery Trail in Vancouver,WA)

lundi 20 octobre 2008

Bancs d'anniversaire /Anniversary benches

Rejoignez-moi sous la pergola, et fêtons ensemble le 200 ème post de ce blog!
200 bancs , et autant de jolis endroits pour rêver, se reposer, ou discuter ensemble...
Merci pour vos visites !

Join me under the pergola, and let's celebrate together this post number 200!
200 benches, that means 200 lovely places to dream, to rest , or to speak together!...
Thank you for your visits!

2 commentaires:

PERBS a dit…

What a beautiful setting! 200 benches is a milestone -- I will have to count ours up on both blogs. Blogger finally worked so I ahve three benches you haven't looked at and then posted one for every day through November 1.

PERBS a dit…

back again. Counted "our" benches. . . 97 on the old blog; 81 so far on this one AND 11 scheduled. I got more in a folder to put on when necessary and keep looking for them.

pt tp tale away from your special earmark of reaching 200. . . I was just curious.