"A trail is a place to enjoy a walk and to find a bench to rest and talk."
(Dorothy Langsdorf, Discovery Trail in Vancouver,WA)

dimanche 16 novembre 2008

Un banc, une vue /A bench, a view

La valeur d'un banc se mesure notamment par la vue que l'on a lorsqu'on est assis dessus;
Et celui-là a une vue plutôt pas mal, non?...

The value of a bench stands on what you can see when you are sitting on it.
I'd say this one has a pretty value....

3 commentaires:

PERBS a dit…

Oh YES! Anytime you can see the ocean, you have the best place to sit!!!!!!!!

PERBS a dit…

On my blog, you said that I had duplicated a photo.

Please tell me where I posted this bench before. I can't find it. I have two folders on my desktop. One is for "used " benches and one for benches to put up. I generally put it in the used bench if I post it. I looked back a month and couldn't find me using this particular bench before. Point me in the right direction.

Malyss a dit…

I have it on november, 6th.