"A trail is a place to enjoy a walk and to find a bench to rest and talk."
(Dorothy Langsdorf, Discovery Trail in Vancouver,WA)

vendredi 27 février 2009

Bancs de pierre /Stone benches

Au milieu , où il y a du sable, les gens jouent aux boules, discutent..
Autour, on a délimité le terrain de jeu par des pierres, et on en a mis de plus grosses , pour pouvoir s'assoir, et encore discuter, et regarder les gens jouer aux boules...

In the middle, where there is sand, people can talk and play with bowles (a typical game from south of France).
Around the sand, there are stones, as fences for the game place; and among those stones, there are bigger stones to sit down, talk again, and look at the others playing with bowles...

2 commentaires:

PERBS a dit…

Those circular benches are always nice!

abc a dit…

I remember being there long ago and watching the men play boules.