"A trail is a place to enjoy a walk and to find a bench to rest and talk."
(Dorothy Langsdorf, Discovery Trail in Vancouver,WA)

samedi 28 mars 2009

Dans un de ces jardins secrets../ In one of those secret gardens..

4 commentaires:

PERBS a dit…

I like the red cushioned bench on the hill but I wonder what happens when it gets wet?

Well, I had 3 benches scheduled to post when you said you were leaving on vacation so I let them post hoping you would check them out on yoru return but I guess you don't want to so maybe tomorrow, I will add a new bench even tho you didn't see the others.

Malyss a dit…

I could not approach them but maybe they have waterproof cushions?

PERBS a dit…

You found them all now. I especially wnted you to see the one made with tree branches. Thank you! I will post more now. I jsut didn't want you to get so far behind. . .

PERBS a dit…

I had to chuckle at your comment about the f"lower pot" next to the bench -- it is a garbage can. lol I allowed it in the photo because it was made with the same gravel as the benches. They do that here for the trash cans in downtown so people don't run off with them-- makes it very heavy. There is actually a trash can inside lined with plastic bags that the people doing that job come by and remove when full.